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Administrator Promotions ⬆

Congrat's to axl and Canucklehead on becoming Administrators of Canadian Blend for the start of the new season. These guys will be able to start new tournaments (if I'm slacking), accept new members and I believe a few other tasks within the league. axl has been with Canadian Blend since 2018 and has no doubt earned OG status in the league. Canucklehead joined the Blend last season and is proving to be our top player having already secured top spot in our 1st league championship. Here's to a smashing season ahead. Skyler Danes League Owner
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League Rules & Info 🟥

Hey folks, Welcome to Canadian Blend! 🍁 We're a competitive FIFA Mobile league currently in its 5th season and based out of Southern Ontario. We play tournaments every day and require active players. League Rules: All players must play all 3 of their turns in every tournament, regardless of the score . Yes, even if we're losing 1,000 to 1, I expect everyone to play their turns. It has been argued in multiple game forums that the # of goals scored affects your league ranking even in a loss. Therefore, all turns must be played, every time. If you miss turns, you will either be dropped from the league or benched until you are confirmed active. You must play an opponent of a similar ranking within their league. If you're the 3rd best player in our league, you should play the 3rd best player in the opposing league. If you're our worst player, you can play the opposing league's worst player. This gives equal opportunity and the best playing experience to all players. I

We're back in FIFA Mobile '22!

 Canadian Blend has returned for the 5th season of FIFA Mobile! Simply search out our league name and apply! As always, we're looking for daily active players who speak either English or French. We've been able to crack the top 1,000 leagues worldwide in previous seasons and with the new regional divisions who knows how high we'll get this year! Looking forward to it! ⚽ Skyler Danes - League Owner/Admin

Update from EA on our league issues

 Here it is... Hello , Thank you for contacting EA help. My name is Himachal and I would assist you with your FIFA Mobile issue today. I hope you are doing well. I have reviewed your email and came to know that your league is not able to participate due to stuck at matchmaking. I can feel the disappointment caused due to this issue. You do not need to worry, I'll surely do my best to help you with it. Please note, we have been receiving similar kind of contacts from other players as well. Our developers are working hard to fix the problem in timely manner. We request some time to get the issue fixed. We greatly appreciate your patience until we get this one sorted. What I

We've Moved To Canadian Blend II 🚚

So here goes... It would seem as though one of our member accounts was affected by the issues at EA ( see here ). As a result we couldn't play any LvL's. After 3 days of no resolution from EA, we decided to take the last resort approach which was to purge everyone from the league, including the corrupt account, and then only let the active players back in. Sounded good right? Well, I got down to purging everyone but me and the ghost account and couldn't remove them. App crashed every time. Okay, I'll just abandon the league myself... Nope, can't do that either because you're the owner. Fine, I'll transfer ownership to the ghost account... Nope, can't do that either. App crashes. So there I was. Stuck in my own league with a ghost. Spurs mate Gareth and I devised a plan to add a secondary beta account to the league and then give that account ownership. It worked, we're both out of the corrupt league and starting from the bottom with Canadian Blend II.

#No$4Bugs - No Money For Bugs!

Well folks, day three of not being able to start an LvL and so we've joined up with the #No$4Bugs movement which essentially is a group of players and leagues who have been holding back their spending while urging the developers of FIFA Mobile to improve the game and increase transparency. It was big about a year ago and actually seemed to bring forward some changes. I've been reaching out to EA on twitter (their main line of communication) but have been receiving nothing but scripted responses. They have acknowledged issues with the game and say that they are investigating and trying to restore affected accounts. Worst part is that there are unaffected leagues still playing and so our ranking keeps dropping day by day. Fingers crossed that we can not only get this resolved but also get the reimbursements for missed tournaments (and not give unaffected leagues the same reimbursements).

Ranked 555th (Best Ever!)

Congratulations Canadian Blenders! 🏆 We've reached our highest rank ever in our 4-season history at 555th. We've briefly dipped into the top 1,000 each season but weren't able to maintain it. Let's see if we can hang around for a while!