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We've Moved To Canadian Blend II 🚚

So here goes...

It would seem as though one of our member accounts was affected by the issues at EA (see here). As a result we couldn't play any LvL's. After 3 days of no resolution from EA, we decided to take the last resort approach which was to purge everyone from the league, including the corrupt account, and then only let the active players back in. Sounded good right? Well, I got down to purging everyone but me and the ghost account and couldn't remove them. App crashed every time. Okay, I'll just abandon the league myself... Nope, can't do that either because you're the owner. Fine, I'll transfer ownership to the ghost account... Nope, can't do that either. App crashes. So there I was. Stuck in my own league with a ghost.

Spurs mate Gareth and I devised a plan to add a secondary beta account to the league and then give that account ownership. It worked, we're both out of the corrupt league and starting from the bottom with Canadian Blend II. Welcome back!
