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Welcome new league member Montreal!

After a complete absence of league applications since dropping below the 32-member maximum (which is very odd considering that we used to get almost one application a day previously), I began sending out manual invites by guessing usernames based on Canadian words and cities. Of course 'Montreal' was one of my first queries. We welcome new, and already active member Montreal to the Canadian Blend! You're officially the only member other than me with a 100% participation ratio! 😉 Good luck and may you score many more goals in the future!

On a sadder note, long-time member and our only relegation battle survivor 'spurs' has left our league. No reason given, but it couldn't have been lack of activity on our part as they were only 16th in our latest participation table (so not a big loss for us goal-wise). Thanks for the memories, spurs! #COYS
