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New Participation Table Format!

The Participation Table has been revised to tally only the last 10 LvL tournaments. This was done to speed up the rate at which players can move up and down the table. In the previous method players that had been around since the beginning but were no longer playing were taking too long to drop down the table into the relegation zone.

Moving forward I will also begin tallying the # of goals players score in each tournament. This will then become the secondary sort order for the table behind the overall participation ratio (Active %). Currently, your old participation percentage is being used as the secondary sort order to kick off the new table format. Previously, the number of total tournaments played was used as the secondary sort order (which was biased towards longtime players).

Once our league fills up with highly active players, I may consider launching a second Canadian Blend league so that we may relegate and promote players between the two leagues. I'm unable to manage 2 leagues at once, so if you might be interested in this role, please let me know.

The only thing I'm on the fence about is whether or not to maintain counting only the previous 10 tournaments as time goes on, or to add a game each time someone is invited as we do now (I kinda like counting only the last 10 LvL's to keep players on their toes). I may also decide to reset the league this way according to FIFA Mobile's VS Attack seasons (which would give us a 6-day head start for this season).

Would love to hear your comments...
