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Showing posts from April, 2018

Revised Rules, New Table & Flash Relegation!

Hey gang, Quick update. It's been a crazy few days since fixing the application issue. I've discovered we can easily get 3 or 4 new active members a day which allows us to speed up the league improvements. The dead players have to go. So, FLASH RELEGATION BATTLE! The bottom 3 (potentially YOUSUF, kacperZ14 and Strahinja) will be out after the current LvL match. Check the Participation Table to see where you sit. Also, I'm updating the rules and have started to do so here . Give me feedback if you can. New members (newcomers) will still need to receive 4 LvL invites before being entered into the table, but we will no longer be limiting every other match to the top ten ( Champions League ). I still like the idea of a Champions League and rewarding the most active players, so I might just stretch this out to one exclusive tournament a week for the CL (Champions League). We're going up! - Sky

New Rules for New Members

After opening up league applications and acquiring 4 new members in a few hours, I've decided to revise how new members are entered into the Participation Table . Moving forward, recently added players will need to receive 4 invites to all-member LvL matches (every other one/day) before they are then placed into the table based on their participation ratio across those 4 tournaments. This means that it will be at least 8 or 9 days before a new member can be promoted to the Champions League (top ten) and therefore be invited to every single LvL tournament (both all-member and CL). I've made this change to respect our long-term loyal players who have earned their spot in the top ten. A day like today would see 4 of those members immediately dropped from the CL by teams who haven't contributed a single goal to the league. Hope that makes sense and thanks for your patience as we work to better the league. Sincerely, Sky

League Invites Fixed = New Members!

Well, as new member axl discovered for me, I still had our league's minimum fan requirement set from when seasons did not reset every 30 days. Therefore even top players were unable to submit applications to our league. I also somehow had the same fan minimum as maximum (yikes). Once I corrected that, axl was able to join followed closely by our latest new member ajrxp66. Both new members have been automatically entered into our Champions League as they get assigned the league's overall participation rate (40.37%), enough to land them 8th and 9th spot on the Participation Table . Once they've played 4 LvL matches, their score is recalculated based on participation and it's all up to them! Looking forward to more Champions League matches, more new members and more relegation battles as our league fills back up! Good luck and get in! Sky (skylerdanes) Canadian Blend Administrator

Introducing the Champions League!

After some input from our active players we will be introducing exclusive Champions League LvL matches for our top 10 teams! Starting today, every other LvL match will include only our Champions League players. This will be done to improve our odds of winning more LvL matches and to reward players who are actively participating in the league (and to attract more active members). Our very first Champions League LvL match will include the following top 10 squads... skylerdanes Deutchlander Iamgazel Montreal Hasbenro RacingMaster HAMILTON vinoronaldo Andrejking ail Congratulations to those who made the cut! To those who didn't, be sure to compete in the all-member LvL matches in-between to climb into the top 10! Good luck!

4 LvL Loses In-A-Row = Relegation Time!

After 4 LvL loses in-a-row (one of which we definitely should have won), I'm throwing the league into another relegation battle. So, after the next 2 LvL matches, the bottom 3 players/teams will be relegated from Canadian Blend thus improving the overall quality of the league. All players are expected to compete in the next 2 matches (which will count towards overall participation rates), though it will be especially important for those in and around the relegation zone to get some games in and climb to safety. I've attached an updated Participation Table as of today and will update it again after the relegation battle is complete. Good luck to tdotfc, Rexyoda and PepSi who are our current bottom 3. Will we see them around in a week's time? Update: The Participation Table has been revised to show the last 5 matches.

New Member & Participation Table Update

Hey, gang. The flurry of league invites I sent out last week has once again paid dividends with a new member, Canadian101! Obviously another very Canadian addition to the tribe, eh? Our last recruit, Montreal , has been one of our top performers so far and we look forward to seeing what Canadian101 can bring to the league as well. I've also had a chance to update the Participation Table which includes our two new members: Top 4 Champions SkylerDanes (100%) Montreal (100%) Deutchlander (88.64%) Iamgazel (88.37%) Relegation Zone tdotfc Rexyoda PepSi Biggest Climb Cristiano (+3) Biggest Drop YOUSUF (-3) Another Championship Tournament is also underway to see if I can defend my title! Good luck!

Welcome new league member Montreal!

After a complete absence of league applications since dropping below the 32-member maximum (which is very odd considering that we used to get almost one application a day previously), I began sending out manual invites by guessing usernames based on Canadian words and cities. Of course 'Montreal' was one of my first queries. We welcome new, and already active member Montreal to the Canadian Blend! You're officially the only member other than me with a 100% participation ratio! 😉 Good luck and may you score many more goals in the future! On a sadder note, long-time member and our only relegation battle survivor 'spurs' has left our league. No reason given, but it couldn't have been lack of activity on our part as they were only 16th in our latest participation table (so not a big loss for us goal-wise). Thanks for the memories, spurs! #COYS

You've Been Relegated!

Another relegation battle is in the books and we say farewell to our bottom 3, UnbrokenLaw , abed and long-time member Exogenic , who hadn't played in their last 29 LvL matches. Our Top 4 Champions remain unchanged: SkylerDanes (100%) Deutchlander (87.18%) Iamgazel (86.84%) Hasbenro (68.57%) Special awards to SkylerDanes , Iamgazel and Andrejking for competing in both LvL relegation battle rounds. Andrejking has managed to push himself up to a 50% participation ratio! League average is currently 38.99% (up from 37.03%). Our new bottom 3 are as follows: tdotfc (10.53%) Rexyoda (8.57%) PepSi (8%) These players will want to start participating in LvL matches this week in order to avoid getting caught up in our next relegation battle (planned for next week). Stay tuned for more blog updates! Get in, Sky

Welcome to the Canadian Blend FIFA Mobile League Blog!

Hey folks, This is Sky, creator and league administrator of Canadian Blend . I wanted to give players (and league fans) an online hub to stay up-to-date on the league and to view our exclusive Participation Table and Relegation Battles. I will be updating the blog as often as I can, though must admit I'm a super busy guy with 2 1/2 jobs as it is, so it won't be daily. As you may know, I manage the league based on participation rates in LvL ( League versus League ) matches. LvL tournaments are the bread & butter of league play and matches are won and lost primarily based on how many teams from each league actually play during that 24 hour period. Sure, average league OVR plays a large role in the outcome, but considering that more than 50% of any given league's players often don't contribute a single goal, a high OVR can easily be overshadowed by a high participation rate. Enter Relegation Battles - everyone's favourite part of Canadian Blend, right!? In o